Andrew is an Executive Advisor at Rockflow specialising in oil and gas field development, reporting and production management. Andrew brings over 30 years of global experience working at BP as VP of Reservoir Development, working on fields from the earliest stage of development through to mature production. He has experience in both gas production, conventional oil production and enhanced oil recovery. His experience is built on a solid foundation of core technical skills, which includes all aspects of classical reservoir engineering, reservoir simulation, reservoir and well management, and field development planning.
Andrew has deep experience of providing assurance and coaching for subsurface teams. He led bp’s subsurface assurance processes for operating fields, fields in development and due diligence assessment of data rooms. He has expertise in both SPE and SEC reserves reporting standards.
Andrew holds a BSc in Physics from the University of Durham and a PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Southampton. He is a member of the SPE and Institute of Physics.