Colin has gained considerable experience in exploration-facing roles, including new venture opportunity evaluation and recently as an exploration advisory consultant. He is a creative and focussed geological thinker and new-play specialist with hands-on interpretation experience with an extensive petroleum play knowledge of many significant hydrocarbon basins worldwide.
Colin’s main areas of expertise lie in prospect generation, seismic sequence stratigraphy and fit-for-purpose regional and basin-scale synthesis. Of note are 10+ years of working paralic systems across NW Borneo and Niger Delta and 20+ years of experience exploring deep-water depositional systems, deep-water fold belts and hunting for subtle stratigraphic traps. Principal deepwater focus areas are NW Borneo and West Sulawesi, the Niger Delta, Atlantic margin of Africa, Eastern Mediterranean, Equatorial South America, South Atlantic pre-salt plays, and East Canada.
Colin is a competent communicator, performance coach and mentor.