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Extensive experience in the provision of geophysical advisory services supporting clients in the exploration and development of upstream oil and gas.

Rockflow’s team of geophysicists have extensive global project experience, helping clients understand what lies beneath the surface, supporting them with all aspects of subsurface assessment.

Seismic Interpretation

Rockflow geophysicists routinely undertake structural and stratigraphic evaluations of basins, fields and prospects using industry standard interpretation platforms.
Structural and stratigraphic seismic analysis is underpinned by strong integration with rock physics, petrophysics and other geological data.

Evaluations typically comprise seismic to well match, horizon mapping and structural and stratigraphic evaluation. Seismic facies and attribute analysis form integral components of fluid and facies identification.

Projects range through basin and field mapping to prospect and lead identification, mapping and evaluation , including 4D time lapse seismic feasibility studies and interpretation.

Depth Conversion

Depth conversion is performed at basin, field, prospect and well prognosis scale.
Multiple depth conversion methodologies are evaluated, incorporating available data and geological setting. Structural depth maps and models for regional, field, prospect and leads are created together with an assessment of depth conversion uncertainty.


Studies and services encompass survey design, evaluation, real time monitoring and VSP interpretation.

Processing QC

Rockflow undertakes processing QC studies including evaluation of PrSTM and PrSDM data, wave-field and Illumination analysis.

Quantitative Interpretation

Rockflows extensive Quantitative Interpretation capabilities include AVO, Pre-Stack and rock physics analysis, fluid substitution, Vshale cubes, fluid & facies identification and 4D time lapse studies.

In house software

Rockflow’s in house geophysical software packages are Kingdom and Petrel.
Rockflow’s Geophysicists and consultants are experienced users of all industry standard software packages.

Why Choose Us

We understand that expertise alone is not enough. Our expert team understand the overriding responsibility to assist the tribunal by providing independent and unbiased opinions on matters within our expertise.

Our expert witnesses are highly experienced in mediation and arbitration, often viable and preferable routes to settling disputes out of court. If formal litigation proves necessary, our experts can ensure your case is presented in the best possible way by focussing on the key points of the dispute and backing up potential points of contention with their industry expertise. Our experts are industry leaders and are seasoned expert witnesses who deliver independent and unbiased opinions.

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