Technical Excellence
Trusted advisors and problem solvers, specialising in overcoming your complex upstream technical challenges.
Trusted upstream technical problem solvers
You’re in the right place. Rockflow’s Technical Excellence services are built upon the strong foundation of our multi-disciplinary team’s extensive experience in technical, commercial and leadership roles in the upstream oil and gas industry.
We understand your unique upstream environment
We diagnose and solve complex technical challenges providing objective and independent expert analysis and advice for clients across the exploration, appraisal, development and production value chain. Our clients are operators, investors and government agencies.
How can we help you
Practical, honest and independent, we offer integrated technical solutions, providing project management combining subsurface with well and surface engineering and petroleum economics. We identify route causes, and recommend robust solutions, faster. We communicate clearly and speak with authority at the highest level.

Why choose us
You come to us with complex business problems. They are usually urgent, difficult and of high value. We understand that these issues are of importance to you and it is not easy to find the right help when you need it.
Tap into Rockflow’s enviable team of talented individuals who have extensive experience in technical, commercial and management roles in the upstream oil and gas industry.
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